Points to Keep in Mind before Heading to a Rhinoplasty Procedure

Rhinoplasty or nose job seems simple, but this is actually a complex surgery done by experts. Note that your nose has different tiny parts which connects together in complicated ways. These parts give the nose its form, as well as makes it functional for breathing and smelling. That is why know more about it before searching for a [google_bot_show][/google_bot_show]Rhinoplasty Clinic in Michigan or some other places today.

There are many things you must understand about rhinoplasty, such as overview of procedures and possible effects. Knowing these helps you have a realistic expectation about the process. Also, you’d learn when a nose job can help depending on your case. Then, these info lead you to the right specialist to visit for a surgery.

Here are the Essential Things to Learn about Rhinoplasty

  1. Rhinoplasty has Two Basic Types

A nose job procedure can either be open or close rhinoplasty. Open rhinoplasty involves making an incision outside the nose, specifically between the nostrils. This is to give better access for the surgeon to work deeper in the nose. On the other hand, close rhinoplasty involves the use of several tools to access the inside of the nose without creating an external incision.

Each procedures has its own pros and cons. Open rhinoplasty allows the surgeon to work better, since it gives better access to reach inside the nose. However, it often leaves a light scar after the procedure because of the incision. But if you’re with the right expert, they can minimize such side effect by helping it heal properly.

Close rhinoplasty has the main benefit of better looks after the procedure. It won’t leave scars since it doesn’t involve making an external incision. Downside is, it’s not applicable for major surgeries, especially those which require deeper access inside the nose.

  1. It has Further Different Types according to Application

Rhinoplasty has different application that is why it has more classifications. Common types include reduction, augmentation, ethnic and post-traumatic rhinoplasty.

Reduction rhinoplasty involves decreasing the overall size of the nose or some of its specific parts. It’s helpful for people with big nose, especially in boosting their self-confidence after having better looking nose. On the other hand, augmentation rhinoplasty circles on increasing the size of the nose or some of its parts. This is helpful for people who wants to improve the looks for their small nose, or to solve certain conditions such as having small air passage.

Ethnic rhinoplasty is about improving the looks of the nose according to certain cultural profile. If somebody has unique-looking nose, for example, ethnic rhinoplasty can help in reshaping it to fit their cultural standard of beauty.

Lastly, post-traumatic rhinoplasty involves fixing nose injuries acquired by accident. This must be done as soon as possible, ideally within seven days after the incident. This is to avoid complications which only more complicated surgeries can correct.

These are only four of the common types of rhinoplasty according to application. There are still more which you may learn when talking with a surgeon.

  1. It doesn’t Fully Change your Nose

Rhinoplasty surgeon needs to consider many factors when doing a nose job. It’s not about the patient or client’s desired results alone. When you want a reduction rhinoplasty, for example, you can’t simply tell a surgeon to reduce your nose to the size and shape you want.

Basically, it circles on the function and aesthetics of your nose. Following the example, a surgeon can’t reduce a nose size while sacrificing its breathing functionality. You don’t wish to have a nose you want, but you can’t breathe well after the surgery.

In terms of aesthetics, the surgeon aims for your nose to fit with your facial structure. There are moments when people demand for certain nose shape which is unsuitable for their facial features. Surgeons often advice against it, or suggest some appearance compromise for great results. This is the main reason why it’s important to have a deep conversation with the surgeon while planning for your nose job.

  1. Find the \Right Rhinoplasty Expert

With the points mentioned above, you’d get the idea why you should find a reliable rhinoplasty surgeon for a nose job. Rhinoplasty isn’t a simple procedure since the nose is a complex body part with sensitive function. Its aesthetic aspects are complex as well. Problem is, there are many clinics or people which offer rhinoplasty around, and it’s hard to choose one.

To help with your search, here are few points to consider:

  • Always keep in mind to find a reliable rhinoplasty surgeon with enough licenses and accreditations from health organizations. The surgeon himself must carry sufficient credentials, and their clinic must have the right licenses and permits as well.
  • Another good indicator of a reliable nose job surgeon or clinic is professionalism in the ways they present their services. This includes having a professional-looking website or social media pages with complete info. Also, their clinic must have a professional, neat and clean look.
  • The best rhinoplasty surgeons also produce a lot of happy patients or clients. In other words, they’d surely have many positive feedbacks and reviews from people. Check them up on Google, or ask around for some testimonies.
  • Lastly, the best doctor would be happy to sit with you, and talk your concerns in details. While in such initial consultation, observe how they respond to your inputs about the results you want. If they professionally suggest you the best possible ways in details, they’re surely worth to trust. Also, trust your gut and only go for a surgeon you’re comfortable of doing the procedure.
  1. Learn about the Healing Process

Healing process after a nose job depends on individual case. Some only needs few weeks or a couple of months, while others require up to six months or more. This depends on many factors, such as the type of procedure, and possible existing health issues in your body.

Of course, more complicated procedures, such as post-traumatic rhinoplasty for a severe injury, require more time to heal. Frequent check-up may also be necessary to make sure the nose heals properly. Whereas minor nose jobs, such as those for simple aesthetic changes, only needs few weeks to completely heal.

However, regardless of the complexity of the surgery, you’d take longer time to heal when it’s done incorrectly. This may even lead to severe side effects such as breathing difficulty, swelling and bleeding. In most unfortunate cases, another complex surgery is necessary to correct some problems. This translates to more hassles and expenses on your end.

To avoid such mishaps, be sure to look for a reliable rhinoplasty surgeon for your nose job. The previously mentioned tips would lead you to the right doctor to trust. In addition, be sure to keep in touch with the surgeon throughout the healing process, and listen to their advice. This would lead you to a nose that would heal properly, thus letting you have wonderful results.

These are the important points you must keep in mind before going to a rhinoplasty surgery. It all points towards having best results from the procedure. But if you’re still unsure about one or few things, consult the right rhinoplasty specialist to clarify such points. Always remember that there’s nothing as being too careful when considering your health and wellness.


Carrie Ragsdale is a blessing, as her fellow writers say. She is a wonderful writer and her articles are something everybody loves. She mostly writes about nature and food.

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